If you’ve noticed billboards with this somewhat unusual poster in Zagreb, but you’re not sure what exactly it’s about and who’s behind it, you’re in the right place to find out! Behind these billboards we stand – Požgaj Group – one of the largest subjects, exporters and brands of the Croatian wood industry.

The Požgaj Group has been appearing in the public space for the past few months with the aim of introducing the public to the important topic of Croatian forests and timber as a key resource for future economic development and a lever for increasing the living standards of the citizens of the Republic of Croatia. Due to the selective, inconsistent and dubious application of the criteria for the allocation of wood mass quotas by Croatian Forests, where they (as in our case) do not hesitate to abuse their monopolistic position, the harvested timber is not directed primarily to the producers-finalists, who create the largest added value. Statistics show that the production and export of finished products have been in decline for several years, while more and more raw materials are being exported.

What does that have to do with me, you ask? Such a policy of Croatian Forests devalues ​​one of the most important resources owned by the Republic of Croatia – forests! That resource and that wealth belong to society – to each of us, which means that many generations of the Croatian people are impoverished in this way.

After a long period of time, we warn all competent institutions about the clientelistic policy of Croatian Forests and prove the illegality of excluding our companies from the public tender for the sale of logs for 2021. Mr. (mostly without their adequate reaction), we decided to let the public know about it in this way as well – by placing a billboard in the capital. This is also our message to all institutions connected with the distribution of wood mass that we will be persistent in our goal, regardless of the fact that they try to ignore us and minimize the problem we point to.

Pratite nas i podržite naše nastojanje da i dalje budemo javno vidljivi, dok se predmetna problematika javno ne “otvori” i dok ne dođe do nužnih promjena modela i odgovornih! 💪
