Finished multi-layer parquets represent a new generation of parquets, the properties of which are significantly improved compared to solid parquets. Thanks to its multi-layer composition and the mutual “calming” effect of different types of wood, multi-layer parquets react to a lesser extent to the influence of various unfavorable factors from the environment, such as inadequate moisture in the substrate or in the air. Multi-layered parquets retain their original appearance longer, do not dry out and do not form joints as quickly as solid parquets. The multi-layered composition also enables the execution of parquet in large dimensions, in which massive parquets show marked instability. Unlike massive parquets, multilayer parquets can be laid on substrates with built-in underfloor heating, and their installation is quick, clean and cheaper. The most common misconception of laymen is the opinion that massive parquets are harder and more resistant than multi-layered parquets and that they can be repaired several times, because they are thicker and made from one piece of wood. However, all these claims can be easily refuted by the following facts based on scientific and technical experiments from practice:
• the hardness of wood with a thickness of 3-4 mm is identical to the hardness of wood with a thickness of 20 mm
• the resistance of the parquet mainly depends on two factors: the hardness of the wood from which the parquet is made and the type of surface coating
• solid parquet cannot be repaired more times than multi-layer parquet (2-3 times), since otherwise the joint between the parquet planks (grooves and tongues) would loosen.
The superiority of multi-layered parquets over other types of parquets is proven by the fact that in Europe 80% of the total laid parquet surfaces consist of ready-made multi-layered parquets, in which the more developed markets of Western European countries are leading the way.